It's on.

World Anglicans have given their American brethren, the Episcopal bishops, until Sept 30 to change policy on practicing gays and lesbians in church office. In its current meeting, the Episcopalian bishops have refused. Stay tuned. Story here from NYT.
September 30 is the deadline the Anglican global bishops gave the Episcopal Church to repent of its endorsement of same-sex practice. In advance of that deadline, the Diocese of Pittsburgh has begun a process that could enable it to maintain ties to world-wide Anglicanism even if the Episcopal Church fails to repent. Story here from the American Anglican Council.

American Christianity has always had a certain arrogence toward third-world Christians. Perhaps Pittsburghers will show some humility. See earlier post.
One of the finalists for bishop of the Diocese of Chicago is a practicing lesbian. Story here. Link from Religion News.

Third-world bishops of the Anglican communion have reprimanded their Episcopal brethren for abandoning biblican standards on sexuality, and set a Sept 30 deadline for repentance.

But, American Anglicans (Episcopalians) ignore their brethren and vow they will not change course. See earlier post. I guess for the Episcopal hierarchy it is still the White Man's Burden to lead his black, brown, and yellow brothers into enlightenment.
This story about an Australian bishop that has closed the doors of the churches under his jurisdiction to liberal American Episcopalian author and speaker, retired Bishop Shelby Spong.

Meanwhile the countdown continues: Anglican bishops from the Global South have demanded repentance from Episcopalians by September 30.
The Evangelical Lutheran Church stepped to the edge of the cliff recently. From the NYT:

The country’s largest Lutheran denomination officially bars openly gay people from the ministry. But in a move that advocates for gay men and lesbians are hailing as a step toward changing that policy, the denomination is urging its bishops to refrain from disciplining gay members of the clergy who are in committed same-sex relationships.

Full story.
The vote is intended to be an interim measure until a report is made to the church in 2009.

One of the ways denominations have slid down the slope is to keep "studying" an issue until an advocacy group gets what it wants. Votes may be taken, traditional positions enunciated, but the effect blunted by a vote to undertake "further study" or "dialogue." Then, when a convention/synod/assembly finally votes to make a change away from tradition, suddenly there is no need for further study.

God help the Lutherans.
The Episcopal Church's actions continue to trouble the rest of the world-wide Anglican communion. As posted earlier, the Lambeth conference is coming up. Some English bishops may boycott if their American cousins, the Episcopalians, have not met the demands of the Dar es Salaam Primates' Meeting. The troubles began when the Episcopalians ordained a practicing gay bishop. Story here.
The Anglican Journal has the story. The schism in world-wide Anglicanism continues to be felt following the action of the Episcopal Church (Anglicanism in the U.S.) in consecrating an openly gay bishop.

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, has invited all bishops in North America, except Gene Robinson, the openly gay bishop of New Hampshire, to the Lambeth Conference of the world’s Anglican bishops scheduled next year in the United Kingdom.

The Lambeth conference is a regular gathering of Anglican bishops world-wide held every ten years. Official Lambeth website.

For Part 1 click here.

The Reformed Church also demonstrated our two-winged character during debates over social issues.

On the one side, we voted
*65% to 35% to urge our congregations and the General Secretary to "sign the Church World Service petition calling for the reversal of the new policy restricting emergency aid through the Cuban Council of Churches, to engage in letter writing campaigns, and to contact their representatives to call for the United States to 1) lift all aspects of the trade embargo, . . . "
*60% to 40% to encourage "members, churches, and staff to extend the welcome and love of Christ to the illegal immigrant populations in the United States and advocate for legislation that will protect and serve them."
*about 60% to 40% "to encourage congregations to join the Let Justice Roll Living Wage Campaign and to visit the website regularly for updates . . ." and "to encourage congregants in RCA churches to contact their state senators, asking they accept the proposed increase in the minimum wage recently passed by the U.S. House . . ." and to "call RCA employers to review the compensation packages they offer their employees with an aim to provide a just living wage."

On the other side, we voted
*down a proposal to "explore strategies for further diversifying the General Synod body, . . ."
*to refer a proposal to the 2008 General Synod to "make the Reformed Church in America a member denomination in "The National Religious Campaign Against Torture" and to make the opposition of all United States policies that allow or encourage torture and inhumane treatment of prisoners a high priority of the denomination."
*down a proposal that our denomination make known to "U.S. President George W. Bush, . . . our support for "1) the propositions that the United States pursue non-military political solutions to the hostilities in and occupation of Iraq, 2) the quick disengagement of military hostilities in that country, 3) the speedy return of American troops, and 4) the United States to direct its efforts toward economic, social, and humanitarian aid toward Iraq and its citizens; . . ." (more below)

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Last month I was a delegate to the national meeting of my denomination, the Reformed Church in America. Yes, I did speak often from the floor--for the second year in a row I was quoted in our church magazine's coverage of the meeting.

We have a saying in my denomination: we are a bird with two wings--left and right, East Coast and Midwest, evangelical and mainline--yet somehow we fly. Both wings were evident in Pella, Iowa, last month as we met on the campus of one of our schools, Central College.

Fireworks began immediately during our time of opening business. A motion was made from the floor to "dis-invite" the pastor chosen to lead worship during our several days of meeting, The Rev. Jacqui Lewis. Lewis is Senior Pastor of Middle Collegiate Church in New York City. Middle Collegiate is in the forefront within our denomination in pushing for recognition of same-sex marriages, etc. (website here) After debate she was not dis-invited. In our way of doing things our president is elected to serve a one year term as moderator of General Synod and has the privilege of choosing that year's worship leader, so the invitation was not an official denominational action. But, I think it was a bad choice politically. And, a contradiction of our denomination's stated position on same-sex practice. Some of us boycotted the following worship services. Most of us attended. (more below)

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For the previous verses, see this post and links.

Another root cause of Mainline decline: Liberation Theology separated from biblical teaching.

Liberation Theology, in a nutshell, is a way of looking at Christian doctrine that emphasizes God's "preferential option" for the poor. The Old Testament prophets over and over again proclaimed God's watchcare for the widow and orphan, and judged Israel's society on how well the weak got the justice they deserved. On the flip side, the wealthy frequently were castigated and were condemned as oppressors of the poor. See, for example, the prophet Amos. In the New Testament we find Jesus more often among the poor and outcast than among the rich; and he did say that the last shall be first, and that it was easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven. The Apostle Paul describes the early Christian church as made up of not many mighty. Liberation Theology emphasizes justice for the poor and weak of society, including the global society. We should not be content to wait for heaven when we die, we should work to make this world now look more like the kingdom.

And, since we tend to understand things, including Scripture, based on our background, Liberation Theology has emphasized the ways in which the rich (individuals and nations) distort the Bible message in order to remain comfortable. Indeed, Liberation Theology(s) teach that the poor and weak have better insight into God's teaching than do the rich.

So far, so good. However, . . . (more below)

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