Some, such as Ted Kennedy, apparently do not think so. President Bush's recent nominee for Surgeon General, Dr. James W. Holsinger, is under attack in Senate hearings because his denomination, the United Methodist Church, officially disapproves of same-sex sex. Story here.

Former Surgeon General Dr. C. Everett Koop also did not affirm same-sex sex, referring to gay sex as "sodomy." But, the gay community came to respect him because of his advocacy and actions on behalf of persons with AIDS, and his push for prevention. Asked about this issue and his personal beliefs, he once replied that he was the national's Surgeon General not the nation's Chaplain General.

Apparantly a lot of people do not understand that a Christian commitment to justice, which includes striving to be fair to all, means that we Christians can "do right by" the very people we disagree with.