10/07: Do Americans Really Want Change?
Category: Campaign 2008.3
Posted by: A Waco Farmer
Quick Thought on Campaign 2008:
Why I continue to predict "Clinton-44" with confidence:
Conventional wisdom and tradition seems to indicate that the "candidate of change" has the advantage in presidential elections.
For the most part, this is true during times of upheaval, real discontent and/or uncertainty:
Abraham Lincoln in 1860
FDR in 1932
Nixon in 1968
Ronald Reagan in 1980
It is also true that an adept challenger exaggerates a sense of crisis and manufactures a certain amount of discontent to win elections:
JFK in 1960
Bill Clinton in 1992
And it is also true that sometimes we the people grow restless with a pretty good thing, which is also a part of the explanation for 1992.
Do we really want change in 2008?
There is no doubt that Hillary Clinton will advertise herself as the "agent of change" in the upcoming contest--but, realistically, that assertion is a hard sell. No one in this race (Republican or Democrat) seems more battle-hardened and grizzled than the Senator from New York.
The real question for Hillary is this: do Americans want real change or do we want to return to the status quo antebellum? I think the answer may surprise most of us.
If you visit the Clinton Library in Little Rock, you may purchase "I Miss Bill" bumper stickers. I am told they are top sellers.
If Hillary gets by Barack Obama in the primary, and I think she will, Mrs. Clinton represents a very appealing notion of nostalgia for our recent past--and even our present sans Iraq.
Forget about the facts for a moment. Perception is more important than the truth when it comes to politics and history. Most Americans are very angry and frustrated with George Bush at present. Mrs. Clinton will have the luxury of lambasting the sitting President, which should prove quite popular, but she will also offer an implicit promise of returning to the good old days of peace and prosperity and Clinton management.
Do we really want change? Americans are furious about Iraq and slightly discontented with some other things (it is the human condition to be less than satisfied), but most of us, if we took a moment to look hard and deep at our lives, are surprisingly content with our world as it is.
Yes, Mrs. Clinton will give lip service to global warming, universal healthcare and a fairer and more compassionate society--but, in essence, she will be selling more of the same with less incompetence.
My hunch is that it will be a winning pitch.
Previous Bosque Boys posts on Hillary-44:
From last September, "Clinton-44: Part I: If elected president of the United States in 2008, Hillary Clinton will make the least attractive and least affable chief executive of the modern media age. From the piercing laugh (oftentimes when nothing is funny) to the menacing scowl when the TV cameras catch her in unguarded moments, Mrs. Clinton tends to come across unnervingly manufactured, even soulless at times."
Nevertheless, "Why she's probably going to win..." (full post here).
UPDATE: Regular reader and commenter, Lily, directs us to this provocative piece on selecting a president: "Elect Mr. Right, not Mr. Right Now" here. Thank you.
Why I continue to predict "Clinton-44" with confidence:
Conventional wisdom and tradition seems to indicate that the "candidate of change" has the advantage in presidential elections.
For the most part, this is true during times of upheaval, real discontent and/or uncertainty:
Abraham Lincoln in 1860
FDR in 1932
Nixon in 1968
Ronald Reagan in 1980
It is also true that an adept challenger exaggerates a sense of crisis and manufactures a certain amount of discontent to win elections:
JFK in 1960
Bill Clinton in 1992
And it is also true that sometimes we the people grow restless with a pretty good thing, which is also a part of the explanation for 1992.
Do we really want change in 2008?
There is no doubt that Hillary Clinton will advertise herself as the "agent of change" in the upcoming contest--but, realistically, that assertion is a hard sell. No one in this race (Republican or Democrat) seems more battle-hardened and grizzled than the Senator from New York.
The real question for Hillary is this: do Americans want real change or do we want to return to the status quo antebellum? I think the answer may surprise most of us.
If you visit the Clinton Library in Little Rock, you may purchase "I Miss Bill" bumper stickers. I am told they are top sellers.
If Hillary gets by Barack Obama in the primary, and I think she will, Mrs. Clinton represents a very appealing notion of nostalgia for our recent past--and even our present sans Iraq.
Forget about the facts for a moment. Perception is more important than the truth when it comes to politics and history. Most Americans are very angry and frustrated with George Bush at present. Mrs. Clinton will have the luxury of lambasting the sitting President, which should prove quite popular, but she will also offer an implicit promise of returning to the good old days of peace and prosperity and Clinton management.
Do we really want change? Americans are furious about Iraq and slightly discontented with some other things (it is the human condition to be less than satisfied), but most of us, if we took a moment to look hard and deep at our lives, are surprisingly content with our world as it is.
Yes, Mrs. Clinton will give lip service to global warming, universal healthcare and a fairer and more compassionate society--but, in essence, she will be selling more of the same with less incompetence.
My hunch is that it will be a winning pitch.
Previous Bosque Boys posts on Hillary-44:
From last September, "Clinton-44: Part I: If elected president of the United States in 2008, Hillary Clinton will make the least attractive and least affable chief executive of the modern media age. From the piercing laugh (oftentimes when nothing is funny) to the menacing scowl when the TV cameras catch her in unguarded moments, Mrs. Clinton tends to come across unnervingly manufactured, even soulless at times."
Nevertheless, "Why she's probably going to win..." (full post here).
UPDATE: Regular reader and commenter, Lily, directs us to this provocative piece on selecting a president: "Elect Mr. Right, not Mr. Right Now" here. Thank you.
Lily wrote:
Thanks very much.